Screen Shot 2014-06-12 at 10.40.28 AMDads like the job. Why not? Having kids is our chance to be a kid again, while also giving the kids a chance to have the time of their lives growing up. Being dad means coming to the rescue; it means providing for the future of people who depend on you; it means being part-hero and part-playmate. Most of all, we like the job because we like being needed.

We need dads. Perhaps now more than ever. But we need dads for deeper reasons than flat tires and Legos.

[highlight class=”highlight_yellow” style=””]1) We need dads because they can be so good at just being present.[/highlight]

I needed my dad to be present when I cried for no reason at the age of one, when I got that trivial award for no real reason at eleven, and when I graduated from college with little reason at twenty-one.

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